Tulsa Pediatric Dentist | Life-Changing New Smile

Are you looking for the best tools a pediatric dentist will look no farther than right here where the Tulsa pediatric dentist search has never been made shorter and easier than it is right now because you can just go right online to MLK industry dot com and see the best Tulsa pediatric dentist right here you can actually meet them in the comprehensive Web site by kind of clicking on the need the doctors portion. And seeing not only what education that they hold but the fact that they’re continuing education what professional associations they’re associated with and kind of a mission statement of what they feel like the reason that they do this. So a great way to kind of get a you know look into who they are.
Also it shows you a great look at outside the office which is kind of neat because you get to see what they do in their normal everyday life such as Dr. Morrow being married to Susan whom they’ve just celebrated their 35th anniversary.
They have a son that he was a brewer in Cortland Idaho and daughter Stacy who is in public relations and social media in Los Angeles. We also have a rescued a black standard poodle named Paris which is really great. He loves watching football basketball. He loves fishing golfing. Masters Swimming traveling that kind of thing so rare really cool guy. Also Dr. lie here which you can see all her of her and wonderful things that she has accomplished here whether it be the pediatric dentist or dental residency at the Children’s Hospital or general practice residency at University of hospital Denver or the doctor of dental surgery at University of Oklahoma. Or bedsores of science from O issue. So she wanted you to get a bachelor’s and. Then went to you to get her doctorate. She’s continuing her education by going to plenty of trainings such as Dr. Morrow is outside the office she is a native Oklahoma City person and lived in Tulsa for about since 2002 married to Dr. Joe July. Kirkpatrick and orthodontics. And they have four wonderful children Cooper Olivia Fisher and Whitaker. They fill their time with many activities such as football and gymnastics. We also see Dr. Kellerman who has got her bachelor’s from you and also her doctorate from you. And then she did her pediatric residency at the Medical College of Georgia school dentistry. So also very qualified. And you know some of the things that she does here she’s born and raised in Muskogee. She’s a true Okie through and through and she’s been with the practice for about over a decade.
And as Dr. Kerry Edwards and now that she’s recently married to an amazing man she and Kellerman she will be going by Dr. Carrie Kellerman. Hopefully after a few months you’ll get used to it we currently reside in Jynx Oklahoma with our amazing kids. We’ll Lizzie Ascelin Mia is back. Annabel and our huge Great Dane Baloo. Our house is full of fun laughter and a quite a few stories we are truly the Brady Bunch. So you know great set of people here that kind of gives you a look at just how personable they can be in that they’re just normal people just like you and I that really have a passion for serving the pediatric community here in Tulsa. So any time that you’re looking for Tulsa pediatric dentist look at the best Tulsa pediatric dentist right here at MLK dentistry dot com where. Tulsa pediatric dentist. Are. Defined by the.
Doctors right here at MLK industry. And you can see it’s on our Web site to indicate industry dot com or give us a call at 9 1 8 7 4 to ninety eight 10.